The Misunderstood God
The lies religion tells about God
An awful lot gets said about God, pounded from pulpits, and popularized in phrases, but ‘Is it true?’ Is that what God is really like? Sadly, to scare people into compliance, religion often disfigures the God of the Bible by distorting His essential nature. Many of us have been bombarded by so many contradictory teachings and doctrines that our understanding of God resembles a tightly tangled ball of Christmas tree lights that don’t all work. The Misunderstood God throws out much of that twisted mess and replaces it with the soft, warm light of truth, and does so by looking at the very heart of love as defined by the Bible itself.
From the publishers of The Shack comes a provocative book that further unveils the unfathomable love and grace of God. Author Darin Hufford takes us on a step-by-step journey through one of the most well-known and beloved scriptures around the world – 1 CORINTHIANS 13, the “Love chapter” – and reveals to us the very heart of God for the personality portrait it is, for above all, the simple and profound truth is that God is LOVE.
People who have spent years searching for the truth about Him can finally discover that perhaps they have known Him all along. The Misunderstood God makes things simple again, showing us how finding God is as easy as learning what love means. His character and personality is the very definition. This book gives the reader permission and confidence to trust what they already know about God by deepening our understanding of what love truly is.
Thankfully, there’s more to God than meets the religious eye. He is altogether wonderful!
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Written By: | Darin Hufford |
Format: | Trade Paperback |
Pages: | 222 |
ISBN: | 9781935170051 |
“If you have everstruggled with the schizophrenic, seemingly contradictory notions of how thisGod of love is often portrayed as an angry taskmaster, full of rules andjudgment, The Misunderstood God will make refreshing sense outof all the religious nonsense. This book scratches where TheShack caused you to itch.”
“This is aprofound but easy-to-read book that helps us explore our motives and actions aswe endeavor to be faithful Christians. It’s a good read for those whowould be followers of Christ.”
“I only wish Ihad this book thirty-five years ago. If I had known, when I was young,about the true love of God maybe I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes…I willnever be the same.”

“If you have ever struggled with the schizophrenic, seemingly contradictory notions of how this God of love is often portrayed as an angry taskmaster, full of rules and judgment, The Misunderstood God will make refreshing sense out of all the religious nonsense. This book scratches where The Shack caused you to itch.”
This is a profound but easy-to-read book that helps us explore our motives and actions as we endeavor to be faithful Christians. It’s a good read for those who would be followers of Christ.
I only wish I had this book thirty-five years ago. If I had known, when I was young,about the true love of God maybe I wouldn’t have made so many mistakes…I will never be the same.